The CampusBooks Advantage

The CampusBooks Advantage

Buy or Rent Textbooks? We Have the Answer.

Not sure whether to buy or rent a textbook? Let us help you make the right choice. The patent-pending unique Buy Vs. Rent Tool takes the guesswork out of buying vs. renting textbooks. We compare the total cost of ownership of each textbook so you can decide if buying or renting makes more sense.

Free Textbooks: Local Library Inventory Check

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CampusBooks gives you your total price comparison, which means that we factor in coupons, shipping costs, and sales taxes (if any) so you always know the total price of your textbook and there are no costly surprises. Many of our coupons are exclusive, which means that the savings can only be found right here.

Making Textbooks Affordable Since 1999

CampusBooks has been finding students the best deals on college textbooks since 1999. With 18+ years of experience, we're the most-trusted source for cheap textbooks online. We've helped countless students save money on their textbooks when buying and renting, and get more cash when selling used textbooks.