Your parents might still picture you as their little one all dressed up as one of the then-fashionable Disney characters and toting a plastic jack-o’-lantern filled with sugary treats, but you’re in college now and you want to have age-appropriate Halloween fun. Here are some ways in which you can have fun, stay safe, enjoy treats, and avoid tricks.
Find Your Best Options
In the days leading up to Halloween, the campus organizations that host Halloween parties and events will post flyers and online notices to advertise their events. When something catches your eye, make a mental note to consider it for Halloween night. As the day gets closer, review all your options and choose one (or more!) that sound most appealing. You might want to spend Halloween with a group or organization you have joined on campus. If you’ve gone Greek, for instance, you’ll probably attend your house’s party (or a related house’s event).
Throw Your Own Party
If you want to design the festivities yourself, consider collaborating with your suite-mates and hosting your own bash. Just check with your RA and make sure to follow any rules. If you want to make fast friends and secure your status as the go-to guy or girl for parties, make your Halloween bash as unique as possible. Come up with a Halloween theme such as the zombie apocalypse or a murder-mystery game. Plan the details like food, beverages, and contests with your pals. Don’t overspend. Focus on the friends and fun rather than breaking the bank on decorations and props.
Design Your Own Costume
You can always hit the local big-box store or party shop to find a ready-made Halloween costume, but where’s the fun in that? Exercise your college-educated creativity and make your own costume. Put a twist on a traditional costume idea or come up with something that represents your personality or favorite things. If you’re feeling like you’ve been in a rut lately, consider stepping outside your comfort zone with a wacky or daring costume that shows your friends that you’re anything but predictable. And don’t be afraid to turn to current events for inspiration. Halloween 2015 is just begging for guys to put on a suit and rock the double comb-over in order to go as Donald Trump.
Stay Safe Out There
When you were little, your parents warned you about taking candy from strangers, they reminded you to stay in a group, and they urged you to come home before it got too dark. Now that you’re in college, don’t drop your guard. People can get a little crazy on Halloween so you’ll want to avoid events that look conducive to making bad decisions or are hosted by organizations or individuals with bad reputations. Stick with your friends all night and watch out for each other. Nothing ruins a fantastic Halloween night like an actual brush with danger.
Keep It Casual
If Halloween creeps up on you and you find that you don’t have any plans, you might want something low-key and easy. Consider watching horror movies in your dorm room with friends or invite your pals over to tell ghost stories or decorate Halloween cookies. You don’t have get in full-on dressed-up party mode to enjoy the spirit (ahem) of the holiday.
Remember that college is the perfect time to release your inner child on Halloween. You might not trick-or-treat around the neighborhood but college campuses offer excellent alternatives. Plus, no parents to make you pace your candy consumption.