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6 Tips for Keeping a Healthy Balance as a College Student

From worries about the so-called “freshman fifteen” to the temptation of constant parties to the stress of late-night cramming sessions, college students often fail to balance the conflicting aspects of their lives. In fact, College Parents of America reports that 85 percent of college students experience daily stress. The solution lies in maintaining a healthy balance.

Set Aside Time Just For You

Whether you read a book in a local coffee shop or take a morning jog through campus, carve time out of every day for yourself. This is particularly essential for introverted college students who crave time away from the hustle, bustle, and din of campus life. If you can’t isolate yourself physically, bring an MP3 player and a set of headphones or visit a place on campus where you don’t know anyone. It’s all about finding your spot.

Create a Circle of Friends

Finding your tribe on campus helps you integrate into the school’s culture and find like-minded peers with whom you can exchange mutual support. Make a standing date with your pals so you stay connected even when course schedules and extracurricular activities pull you in opposite directions. Maybe you’ll go dancing every Friday night or have lunch on Wednesdays, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s a beneficial active done together and with some routine.

Pay Attention to Your Diet

Resist the temptations to skip meals get by on fast-food lunches and ramen noodle snacks. Instead, actively choose healthy alternatives when possible. Go for a salad instead of pizza in the dining hall or a bag of baby carrots instead of chips with your favorite dip. You’ll have more energy and feel more confident if you eat healthfully for most of your meals. If fellow students take part in unhealthy pursuits, including drugs or alcohol, steer clear of them. You are what you put into your body. Don’t fuel yourself with junk.

Find Your Ideal Study Zone

Do you study best while alone in your dorm room or surrounded by peers in the library? Do you remember more information after a morning cram session or a late-evening date with the books? Develop consistent study habits based on your learning style and preferences. Carry study gear, such as a small notebook and a pen, so you’re ready to make and check your notes or read the material on the spot and without delay.

Drop Classes If Necessary

New college students sometimes take more classes than they can manage. If you discover you’ve loaded yourself down too much, drop a class early in the semester. You can always sign up for it again next year. This doesn’t make you weak; it shows you can recognize your limitations and that you’re smart enough to adjust.

Learn to Say No

If the other kids in your dorm want to party on the night before a big test, feel comfortable saying no. Don’t overcommit socially or take on responsibilities you can’t fulfill. If you do, you’ll drown in obligations and burn yourself out very quickly. You don’t have to make up excuses or apologize for not participating. You don’t even have to give a reason, simply politely decline. During college, you must learn to take care of yourself first, especially since your college performance can impact your professional future.

Developing a healthy life balance in college might not seem essential, but it informs your entire education experience and your adult habits going forward. Whether you’re a brand-new student or a returning campus veteran, create sustainable habits that unite work, play, and rest.