In case you have not done a price comparison in a while (although why you wouldn’t want the cheapest price is beyond us!), we’ve revamped the price comparison page. We know making our pages more user-friendly means you have an easier time finding the cheapest textbooks, so here are the new features we think you will find most useful:

1) Textbook Price Alerts–Name your price!

You tell us the maximum price you want to pay for the book. We email you when the textbook drops to that price or lower. You can select up to three books per price alert so you don’t have to set up a separate alert for each book. Could it get any easier?

Scroll your mouse over any of the following icons on the comparison page to see an information box that shows:

2) Sellers Comments

Read the seller’s comments about the condition of the book—before you ever click the “Buy It Now” link. That way, you know whether or not the book is worth looking at before you even open up that bookstore partner’s Web site. We save you money and windows!

3) Merchant Details

Merchant details gives you the two most important details you want to know about a merchant before you decide to buy standard shipping prices and return policy. This feature will save you time spent looking at merchants whose return policies you do not agree with.

4) Online Coupons

Magic words to every college student’s ears. Scrolling over this icon will show you current available coupons to save you even more money. We also tell you the expiration dates and coupon code to enter at checkout!

We hope you are as excited about using these new features as we were to design them! Our goal is to help our customers purchase books in the most painless way possible. After all, you shouldn’t have to worry about finding your books when you already have to worry about paying for them! Happy reading!

Many companies have long made the commitment to be ethically responsible to their consumers, which in part explains their financial success. Some companies, like Aveda, and, are taking it one step further by pledging to be responsible to the environment as well as society by educating consumers and aiding them in making socially- and environmentally- responsible purchases. As part of its 2007 holiday collection, Aveda is introducing makeup gift sets in boxes wrapped in lokta paper. This type of paper is specially crafted for Aveda through its partnership with Nepalese women whose communities and families benefit from the income generated from the sustainable business.

Like Aveda, believes in holding ourselves responsible to more than just our direct customers.  we are responsible for trying to better their communities too. has just teamed up with Better World Books to aid in promoting literacy worldwide through the use of used books and textbooks. Now, when a seller looks up their book on and sees an unsatisfactory buyback price for his/her used textbook, he/she can donate it to Better World Books, which will either give the book directly to the communities that need it, or sell it to fund literacy programs and initiatives locally, nationally and worldwide. Donating books benefits communities in two ways: 1) books are given directly to communities who need them, and 2) unwanted books are recycled instead of being tossed away and ending up in a landfill. The only conditions for books to be accepted for donation are that they are in good enough shape to be used again and that they have a publishing date after 2001. and Better World Books will even pay for users to ship their books for donation, so donors don’t have to pay any money out-of-pocket! For more information on how to donate, please go to

Contributors to a new Web site called Connexions are leveling the academic playing field for people around the world. Connexions allows teachers and professors to write and upload chunks of information called “modules”[1] to the Web site so that potential students around the world can access them–all for free. The modules can then be pieced together in any combination to create a whole textbook that can be modified to suit each classroom or individual’s needs. If a student wants to print the final ‘textbook’, they can do it through a third-party printing Web site like Qoop for about $24, which is considerably less than the average $50-$90 textbook price tag.

Web sites like Connexions are making it easy for academics to indulge in their passion for teaching and sharing their knowledge without all the hassle of going through publishers. Even when authors get their textbooks published, it takes a long time to make changes necessary to keep the textbooks up-to-date with current developments.

“For example, to get Pluto out of all of our nation’s textbooks will take a decade,” said Connexions founder professor Richard Baraniuk, of Rice University. “By then, Pluto will be reinstated as a planet, so we’ll have to put it back in.”

An academic database like Connexions keeps textbooks fresh and current, without passing the price of revisions onto students. Just like, Connexions is another way for students to get an education without paying the high prices.

Students can use in conjunction with Connexions to buy books that may be discussed in the module lectures. For example, a student who is using an Introduction to American Literature module can compare prices for the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn on and end up paying less than they would pay at the college bookstore.



1. Rawlinson , Linnie. ” Throw away your school books: here comes textbook 2.0.” 08 NOV 2007 09 NOV 2007. <>


Grumblings over high textbook prices heard all over college bookstores at the beginning of every semester will not be absent in California. The Textbook Affordability Act (SB 832) was placed on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s desk to be signed into effect by October 14th.

SB 832 would have aided students in keeping down the cost of textbooks by making teachers more involved in the process. The bill would have forced publishers to publish the price of a textbook and a list of the changes between editions when the books are shown to professors, who will decide which to use for the semester. According to a report by the California Student Public Interest Research Group, 94 percent of professors would take price into consideration when choosing a textbook, but only 38 percent of faculty members actually received an answer from publishers when they asked how much a textbook cost. The Textbook Affordability Act would have made sure that publishers could no longer beat around the bush when asked about prices, and would have taken effect immediately.

Much to the dismay of college students and alike, Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill on October 14th, saying that SB 832 “fails to recognize that the affordability of textbooks is a shared responsibility among publishers, college bookstores, and faculty members.” Instead he signed the College Textbook Transparency Act (AB 1548), which has the same idea as SB 832, but does not take effect until the year 2010. The College Textbook Transparency Act and the Textbook Affordability Act are similar, but AB 1548 requires that faculty submit requests to publishers for the prices in order to get them.

If faculty were able to see the full information (i.e. price and what changed between editions) they would likely be able to make sound decisions more quickly, which would have left students with more time to shop around for the book and to order online for cheaper prices. Even with very little time left to order books, many of’s bookstore partners can ship overnight and we still display the cheapest prices for textbooks, no matter what state you are in.


Allen, Nicole. “Gov. Schwarzenegger vetoes the College Textbook Affordability Act.” CALPIRG. 15 OCT 2007. CALPIRG. 29 Oct 2007. <>

Tran, Kory. “Gov. signs one textbook act, vetoes another.” Golden Gate Xpress Online 14 OCT 2007 29 OCT 2007 <>

Student-run Web site is raising a furor over Harvard Coop’s refusal to hand over a list of books that Harvard College students need to purchase for their classes. aims to provide cheaper alternative sources for obtaining the textbooks. The college bookstore’s refusal to release the booklist has many students feeling indignant over what is perceived as an unjust monopoly of student purchasing dollars.

The Harvard Coop insists they are only protecting proprietary information that takes considerable manpower and time to compile.

“The issue is, why should we give it out to anybody, particularly the competitors?” said Coop president Jeremiah Murphy.

While the battle continues with the staff of passing out flyers in front of the Coop, some Harvard students will have to pick classes based on the price of the required textbooks, or not buy the textbooks at all. is currently working on solving the problem of obtaining textbook lists from college bookstores nationwide. Some bookstores, such as the UCLA store, have been very cooperative about sending in their lists. Other stores have refused. At, we are currently working on a campaign to ensure that we obtain as many book lists as possible, in order to aid students in keeping down the already astronomical cost of attending college. If you would like us to work on acquiring your college’s booklist, please send us an email at



Wertheimer, Linda K.. “In Harvard Square, a war over words.” The Boston Globe 26 SEP 2007 29 SEP 2007 <>.

This blog is the last of the three-part blog series on why textbooks are so expensive. Hopefully has been able to clue you in to different perspectives on the textbook debate that you may not have otherwise considered.

From the Bookstores’ Standpoint:

According to the National Association of College Stores (NACS), only 22.4 cents of every textbook dollar actually goes to the bookstore. Of those 22.4 cents, only 4.4 cents (pre-tax) are actually profit. The rest of the 22.4 cents goes to pay overhead costs and employee wages.

Many students have expressed frustration with the college bookstores because they see online retailers who sell the international versions of their books for much lower prices than the college bookstore. Because of this, they assume that the bookstore is overcharging them in order to make higher profits. According to the NACS however, it is the publisher’s decision to sell books at such a low rate internationally. The NACS supports a “one-price” policy that would ensure that U.S. students don’t have to pay more than their international counterparts. NACS’s official stance is that “U.S. students should not, by themselves, bear the sole burden of course material development costs or suffer the consequences of underdeveloped countries’ inability or unwillingness to enforce copyright laws.”

We hope the three viewpoints we’ve presented to you, from the author, publisher, and bookstore, have given you more insight to the textbook industry so understand where your textbook dollar goes. No matter who you believe, rest assured that CampusBooks is always working hard to give you the easiest way to find and buy cheap textbooks.


NACS, “FAQ on College Textbooks.” JUNE 2007. National Association of College Stores. 8 Aug 2007.

NACS, “FAQ on College Textbooks.” JUNE 2007. National Association of College Stores. 8 Aug 2007.$.pdf

Textbook Publishers: Battling False Facts?

This is the second part of a three-part blog series exploring the possible causes of high textbook prices.  Price gouging by textbook publishers is often cited as the reason that textbook prices are sky high.  Here, we present the textbook publishers side of the story on why textbooks are so expensive.  Are textbook publishers really gouging college students? You be the judge.

From a Publisher’s Standpoint

Everyone always blames the publisher.  Why are textbooks so expensive?  Because the “evil” publishers raise the prices, print unnecessary editions, bundle textbooks with useless CDs—all to price gouge the struggling student who is just trying to get an education.  The Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), a public advocacy group, is one proponent of such views.

According to the Association of American Publishers (AAP), however, the PIRG ignores the facts and uses figures that no independent research can back up.  “PIRG just doesn’t let the facts get in their way,” asserts Patricia Schroeder, president and chief executive officer of the AAP.

Here are some examples of  PIRG discrepancies according to the AAP:

PIRG:  Textbooks are sold for less in overseas markets.
AAP: Yes, books sold overseas are cheaper, but that is because they are priced to the individual markets. These sales, while small, help publishers recoup some of their investment in producing a textbook. Without overseas sales, the entire price of production would fall on U.S. students, forcing up the price they pay.

PIRG: Pearson’s new 6th Campbell’s Biology was found to be 97 percent more expensive than a used copy.
AAP: New textbooks–like new cars and most other consumer products–cost more when they are new! On average, used textbooks are sold in bookstores at 75 percent of the price of a new book.

PIRG: Thomas Learning should produce an online version of their Calculus textbook.
AAP Assertion: Publishers have produced hundreds of online books, but there is virtually no demand for online textbooks, according to the National Association of College Stores.

The AAP maintains that they are just a business giving the consumer (i.e. professors and students) what they want and need.  They are not in the business of making outrageous profits.  Professors have free choice to choose the textbook for their classes.  According to a study by third-party researchers Zogby International, 38 percent of college professors said they were satisfied with how frequently new textbook editions were released, or that they were not released frequently enough.

Ed. Note: Check back for the conclusion of our three-part blog–an explanation from your college bookstore addressing why textbooks are so expensive.  Then you can be the judge as to the real reason why textbooks are so expensive.



Hildebrand, Bruce. “AAP Press Center.” AAP-The Association of American Publishers. 25 APR 2005. Association of American Publishers. 27 Jul 2007

Why Are Textbooks So Expensive? is here to save you money on textbooks so we are doing a three-part blog on the real reasons why textbooks cost so much—from three different points of view: a college professor and textbook author, the textbook publishers and the college bookstores.  We hope this information will help you understand the reasons textbooks are so expensive.

From an Author’s Standpoint

Henry L. Roediger III, a professor of psychology at Washington University in St. Louis and a textbook author, wrote an article on high textbook prices for the Academic Observer.  According to Roediger, textbooks are more expensive because of the recent popularity of the used textbook market.  He cited the used textbook market as a problem not due to students selling to each other, but to the massive buying of textbooks by used book wholesalers who then ship the book to another campus where it will be used next year.  The textbook wholesalers, some of which own the bookstore, buy textbooks from students at a small fraction of the price that the students pay and then sell the books back to the next batch of students at an inflated “used book” price.  This cycle results in publishers and authors not getting fair payments for their work in producing the textbooks.  Roediger compared the practice to vendors who sell pirated music and do not pay royalties to record labels or artists.  The only difference, he pointed out, is that the used textbook industry is legal and music pirating is not.

Here is a concrete example that he provided:

His book, Experimental Psychology: Understanding Psychological Research, was published by Wadsworth Publishing Company. The bookstore pays the company $73.50 for the new book. The authors receive 15 percent royalties on the book, so the three authors split the $11 royalty, and the publisher gets the rest.   However, at the Washington University bookstore, the list price of the book is $99.75, a markup of $26.25 (or 35.7 percent).  The authors get $11.02 for their work whereas the bookstore makes $26.25 gross profit per book.

When a student sells his or her textbook at buyback, the bookstore buys it back at a greatly marked down price, somewhere between 25 and 50 percent. Let’s assume that Experimental Psychology is bought back for 40 percent of the new book price (which is a generous assumption). That buyback price would be $39.90. After buying it, the bookstore will mark it up dramatically and resell the book. Suppose the used book is sold by the store for $75, which sounds like a bargain relative to the new book price of $99.75.  The profit markup for the bookstore on this used book would be $35.10, which is even higher than the (still very large) profit made on the new book ($26.25). So on the second (and third and fourth, etc.) sales of the same book, the bookstore and used book company make large cumulative profits while the publishers and authors get no additional revenue.

According to Roediger, textbook publishers have little options when dealing with the loss in profits.  They are forced to raise the prices of textbooks in an attempt to recuperate their initial investment.  Publishers revise books often because they want to make sure book profits will accrue to the publisher and author, not the bookstores.



Roediger III, H (January 2005). Why are textbooks so expensive. Observer, 18, Retrieved July 23, 2007, from

College Bookstores Fight Textbook Legislation

This year alone, 86 textbook bills have been introduced in 26 states, according to the National Association of College Stores (NACS).  NACS is starting to feel the heat, as evidenced by the launch of their online Legislative Action Center, a grassroots campaign to help their college bookstore members locate and contact state and federal legislators to influence proposed textbook legislation.  NACS also has a field office in Washington D.C., which they claim is engaged in all levels of the policymaking process.

According to NACS Chief Operating Officer Brian Cartier, legislators are looking to influence the way bookstores do business without proposing any real remedies to improve textbook affordability.  For this reason, Cartier advises NACS members to get involved with proposed legislative actions that would affect college stores. Inc. differs from NACS in that we believe any legislation aiming to make textbooks more affordable for students is worth investigating.  Making textbooks and education more affordable is the mission of, and it’s the reason we continue to search for innovative features to add to the site in order to better serve college students.  For a more personal look at, check out the MySpace page and add us as a friend:



Moore, Yalinda. ” NACS CEO on Government Relations.” Campus Marketplace 13 JUL 2007 16 JUL 2007.

Free Textbooks for All?

Students and readers alike can now download, print and distribute almost 750,000 e-books for free from the World eBook Fair.  The eBook Fair is sponsored by The World Public Library Consortia, one of the largest providers of e-books online.  Founded in 1996, the World Electronic Book Library Consortia is a global effort to preserve and disseminate classic works, commercial books, textbooks, encyclopedias and other reference works in an array of languages to a worldwide public.

The World eBook Fair will last from July 4th to Aug. 4th,, during which time users can legally download any book they want from the 125 vast collections available.  The e-books, which include instructional materials, government documents and textbooks, can be read with Adobe Reader.  To access the World eBook Fair, visit

This great project is a breath of fresh air for students’ suffocating wallets.   It is perfect for those that need commonly published and out-of-copyright books, such as “A Tale of Two Cities” or “Pride and Prejudice,” but unfortunately, students looking for current textbooks on the eBook Fair Web site will likely be disappointed.  Since textbooks are copyrighted, the only ones available for free are the antiquated texts.

So until textbooks are free for all, let help you find the cheapest price available for your textbooks!  See a sample comparison page of the textbook “Biology” by Campbell and Reece.  Retail price for that book is $158.67.  Lowest price on  $50.99…for a brand new book!



The World eBook Fair:

The World Public Library Consortia: