Campus Bookstores in Canada
This page lists the top college bookstores in Canada. offers huge savings on textbooks over college bookstore prices. Don't believe us? Click on your school to compare their textbook prices with prices.
Alberta University Bookstore
When you need the book today, the Alberta University Bookstore may be your best bet. And now with our Local Library and Bookstore feature, you can compare online prices and Alberta University Bookstore prices and see if your book is in stock at Alberta University Bookstore. The choices for students at Alberta University has never been more abundant or more convenient!
University of Alberta
166 Students' Union Building
8900-114 Street
Edmonton Alberta , T6G 2J7Hours Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pmPhone 1-888-933-9133E-mail Alberta University Bookstore -
University of Toronto Bookstore
Have you ever noticed when perusing the bookshelves at University of Toronto Bookstore that many books have the same titles and even similar covers? For example, there may be five sections of Biology 110 offered during any given term at University of Toronto and they all seem to use books that look similar and are called .Intro to Biology.. The only way to be sure buying the correct book is by matching the ISBN on your syllabus with the ISBN of the book. So get that ISBN and use it! Punch those digits into the search-and-comparison tool to find out if University of Toronto Bookstore has the exact book you need in stock, how much it costs, and how to get it for less.
214 College St.
Toronto ON , M5T 3A1Hours Mon-Fri 8:45-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5Phone 416-978-7900