Campus Bookstores in Washington DC
This page lists the top college bookstores in Washington DC. offers huge savings on textbooks over college bookstore prices. Don't believe us? Click on your school to compare their textbook prices with prices.
American University Bookstore
The American University Bookstore may be more price-competitive than you thought! As many college bookstores begin to offer on-campus rental and eBook programs, the prices are coming down, which is good news for all students at American University . Use the Local Library and Bookstore feature to compare online prices and American University Bookstore prices to see who is providing you best value. Remember, the American University Bookstore will almost always have your book in stock for immediate pick-up and it offers a return policy if you return your book. Bookstores also pay you top-dollar for any books you purchased that are being used the next semester.
Butler Pavilion
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington DC , 20016-8008Hours M-Th 9-5, F 9-4 (extended hours during school year)Phone 202-885-6300E-mail -
Catholic University of America Bookstore
The Catholic University of America Bookstore may be more price-competitive than you thought! As many college bookstores begin to offer on-campus rental and eBook programs, the prices are coming down, which is good news for all students at Catholic University of America . Use the Local Library and Bookstore feature to compare online prices and Catholic University of America Bookstore prices to see who is providing you best value. Remember, the Catholic University of America Bookstore will almost always have your book in stock for immediate pick-up and it offers a return policy if you return your book. Bookstores also pay you top-dollar for any books you purchased that are being used the next semester.
Pryzbyla Center
620 Michigan Avenue NE
Washington DC , 20064-0002Hours M-F 9-5 (extended hours during school year)Phone 202-319-5232 -
George Washington University Bookstore
Have you ever noticed when perusing the bookshelves at George Washington University Bookstore that many books have the same titles and even similar covers? For example, there may be five sections of Biology 110 offered during any given term at George Washington University and they all seem to use books that look similar and are called .Intro to Biology.. The only way to be sure buying the correct book is by matching the ISBN on your syllabus with the ISBN of the book. So get that ISBN and use it! Punch those digits into the search-and-comparison tool to find out if George Washington University Bookstore has the exact book you need in stock, how much it costs, and how to get it for less.
Marvin Center
800 21st Street NW
Washington DC , 20052-0001Hours M-Th 9-6, F 9-5 (extended hours during school year)Phone (202) 994-6870 -
Georgetown University Bookstore
When you need the book today, the Georgetown University Bookstore may be your best bet. And now with our Local Library and Bookstore feature, you can compare online prices and Georgetown University Bookstore prices and see if your book is in stock at Georgetown University Bookstore. The choices for students at Georgetown University has never been more abundant or more convenient!
Georgetown University
Leavey Center
3800 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington DC , 20057Hours Mon-Fri 9-7, Sat&Sun 11-5Phone 202-687-7482 -
Howard University Bookstore
Have you ever noticed when perusing the bookshelves at Howard University Bookstore that many books have the same titles and even similar covers? For example, there may be five sections of Biology 110 offered during any given term at Howard University and they all seem to use books that look similar and are called .Intro to Biology.. The only way to be sure buying the correct book is by matching the ISBN on your syllabus with the ISBN of the book. So get that ISBN and use it! Punch those digits into the search-and-comparison tool to find out if Howard University Bookstore has the exact book you need in stock, how much it costs, and how to get it for less.
2225 Georgia Ave. N.W.
Washington DC , 20059Hours Mon-Wend 9-6, Thur 9-7, Fri 9-6, Sat 10-4Phone 202-238-2640E-mail Howard University Bookstore -
University of the District of Columbia Bookstore
Have you ever noticed when perusing the bookshelves at University of the District of Columbia Bookstore that many books have the same titles and even similar covers? For example, there may be five sections of Biology 110 offered during any given term at University of the District of Columbia and they all seem to use books that look similar and are called .Intro to Biology.. The only way to be sure buying the correct book is by matching the ISBN on your syllabus with the ISBN of the book. So get that ISBN and use it! Punch those digits into the search-and-comparison tool to find out if University of the District of Columbia Bookstore has the exact book you need in stock, how much it costs, and how to get it for less.
Building #38, Level A
4200 Connecticut Avenue N.W.
Washington DC , 20008-1174Hours M-Th 9-6, F 9-3 (extended hours during school year)Phone (202) 274-5110